Artist's Make Love to Whatever They Need
On Replenishing Creativity | January 20, 2024
Rapid Reflections: A series in which I sit down to write whatever’s on
my mind without thinking about it too hard. The goal is to write + share
once a week.
Identifying as an artist means I spend most of my time drawing in energy
to create. I imbue my days with the sacredness of paying attention and
building. I have a knack for quickly disassociating into inner worlds.
I slip into flow states and time slips away.
When I surface I’m depleted. Worse are the times I’ve walked down a
spiral staircase of depletive cycles. The mindset of an athlete - to
just push through - can drive a builder into the ground.
So, how can I replenish creativity? I’ve been circling three themes.
• • •
I. Surrender
Has anything led to more turbulence than white-knuckling an experience?
I suspect surrender is the word that will take on the most shades of
meaning throughout my life. I also suspect that to understand
surrender I will need to understand my body, and hold the
state of an “at peace nervous system” for longer time periods. Surrender
is a gateway to replenishing creativity. Letting go of all the shoulds
to make space for what is - that is freedom. Art reveals. It gives away
its creator’s inner landscape. I don’t want to create from a trapped
So why is surrender so hard? It’s felt like a surging towards a death.
Because what I’m holding onto so tightly has in some way served me, even
if it’s hurting me more. Surrender puts me back in my body, to feel
pockets of pain I’d rather not. It’s a shedding and an admission that
everything is changing, nothing lasts. Surrender is a twisting to find
beauty in the death of old me’s. To replenish creativity, I have to
allow for the small deaths of what was.
II. Ritual
Ritual creates a comforting container for the brutality of surrender. I
suppose surrender could be soft, but I haven’t experienced that. The
softness comes after. I have softness in my rituals. Early mornings. Hot
showers. Palo santo candles and incense. Warm sweaters. Black espresso.
Journaling 3 pages. Writing out the 1 thing I want to do well that day.
Starting a 1 hour timer on my phone as I pull up vscode on my monitor,
the latest 3 songs I love on repeat. Ritual is where the athletic
discipline can show up. It’s where I dig my desired neural pathways in
deeper. It’s where I marry intellectual journeys with my own curated
aesthetic as I fall down the rabbit hole. Guarding my rituals before and
after a creative process replenishes.
III. Adventure
I wrote adventure and then felt the tension of exploring replenishment
without rest being a central theme. I can’t speak to rest as a source of
replenishment - I rest but I probably don’t rest well. My enneagram
therapist tells me I’m low on the self-preservation instinct. What’s the
point of these rapid reflections if I’m not going to be honest.
Adventure it is.
Adventure - that has been my creative amplifier. Traveling to a new
city, meeting a group of new people, going to an old movie alone,
cycling a new route, going to a museum. To take a hero’s journey outside
of my building fixation gives me a new headspace for tackling problems.
It’s like opening all the windows in a dusty house. Adventure lets the
air in.
• • •
I like these themes as a start. It is still nagging me that there should
be a source of rest here for replenishing creativity. I find rest alone
in the woods, but that feels like an adventure. I find rest in my
relationships, in the homes I feel within the people I love. And yet,
that is not the same as sleeping or “doing nothing.”
In writing this I'm sensing there's more to tease out with the question "what is rest?".
I suppose this brings us back to our title - artist’s make love to
whatever they need... to replenish creativity. In my case to
replenish creativity is to make love to surrender. To make love to ritual. To make
love to adventure.